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road trip
Travel: Rainy day
11:41:00 PM
Jak už jsem psala v předchozím příspěvku (zde), podařilo se mi letos navštívit Salzburg. Zmiňovala jsem, že pokaždé pršelo, ale tentokrát byla naděje, že konečně bude krásně. Nicméně, vjeli jsme do centra a na prvním semaforu ulpěly na čelním skle naší oktávky první kapky. Koukali jsem na to jak na zjevení, jelikož obloha byla jasná. Rozhlížím se, jestli kolem někde někdo něco nemyje, ale ne. To jen ten jeden jediný bílý mráček na té modré obloze si řekl, že mi to nedá zadarmo. Naštěstí to bylo jen pár kapek a přítel to okomentoval tím, že mé čarodějné schopnosti ještě nejsou tak vyvinuté. A to neměl říkat.
Po prohlídce Salzburku jsme vyrazili směr Königsee, kde jsme měli vyhlédnutý kemp. Našli jsme místo, postavili stan, usadili se do křesílek a nalili si vínečko. Pár minut na to se nám rozpršelo a déšť nás provázel celou následující den až do Slovinska, takže žádná vyhlídková trasa po Alpách se nekonala. Další zastávkou tak byl až Bled.
As I already wrote (here), I got a chance to visit Slzburg this summer. I mentioned that everytime I plan to visit, it was raining heavily, but this time it looked promising, that the weather will be sunny. However, we drove to the city center and at the first traffic light first drops appeared on the windshield of our car. We couln´t believe, because the sky was clear. I look around to see if anyone around is cleaning something, but no. It was just that one single white cloud on the blue sky. Fortunately, it was only a few drops and my man commented that my magical abilities are not so developed yet. And he shouldn´t say that.
After the tour of the city, we went direction Königsee where we wanted to camp. We found the place, built a tent, settled into chairs and poured some wine. And few minutes later it started to rain, and rain accompanied us throughout the whole next day to Slovenia. So sightseeing route through the Alps was canceled. Our next stop was Bled.
As I already wrote (here), I got a chance to visit Slzburg this summer. I mentioned that everytime I plan to visit, it was raining heavily, but this time it looked promising, that the weather will be sunny. However, we drove to the city center and at the first traffic light first drops appeared on the windshield of our car. We couln´t believe, because the sky was clear. I look around to see if anyone around is cleaning something, but no. It was just that one single white cloud on the blue sky. Fortunately, it was only a few drops and my man commented that my magical abilities are not so developed yet. And he shouldn´t say that.
After the tour of the city, we went direction Königsee where we wanted to camp. We found the place, built a tent, settled into chairs and poured some wine. And few minutes later it started to rain, and rain accompanied us throughout the whole next day to Slovenia. So sightseeing route through the Alps was canceled. Our next stop was Bled.
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