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Turtleneck + chunky cardigan
8:09:00 PM
Jak jste si užili prodloužený víkend minulý týden? Já báječně. Sice z původního plánu vyrazit do Krkonoš sešlo, ale nakonec jsme se zabavili i v okolí domova. V sobotu jsme vyrazili na vinobraní, v neděli na zámek a v pondělí jsme podnikli turistický výlet na Pravčickou bránu.
Uznávám, že můj outfit nebyl úplně turistický, nicméně byl pohodlný a splňoval veškeré technické požadavky ... neumrzla jsem. Ráno jsem k němu přidala ještě vínovou čepičku a rukavičky, jelikož jsem začala omrzat, hned po vystoupení z autobusu.
How did you spent your weekend? Mine was nice. Even though our original plat to go to mountains, plan B was good too. Saturday was in the name of vine harvestst, Sunday at a chatteau and on Monday we visited Pravčická brána.
I admit my outfit wasn´t exactly touristic, but it was warm and cozy and that was what I needed. And as the morning morning was really cold I added burgundy beannie and leather gloves.
How did you spent your weekend? Mine was nice. Even though our original plat to go to mountains, plan B was good too. Saturday was in the name of vine harvestst, Sunday at a chatteau and on Monday we visited Pravčická brána.
I admit my outfit wasn´t exactly touristic, but it was warm and cozy and that was what I needed. And as the morning morning was really cold I added burgundy beannie and leather gloves.
2 komentářů
Nice cardigan. I love the Adidas Superstar too.
I love them too for many years now. This is not my first pair :-) ... best shoes ever